Dr. Volker Metzler
Partner | Patent Attorney (EP, DE)
Dipl.-Inform. (comp sc), PhD (nat sc)
German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Patent Litigator (UPC)
European Trademark Attorney
European Design Attorney
In the IP business since 2003
Specialized in
Computing, Software, AI/ML, 4IR, Blockchain, Communication, Networks, Security, Imaging, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition
Member of
German patent bar, epi, FICPI
GRUR, VPP, Bayerischer Patentanwaltsverein
German Computing Society (GI)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mustererkennung (DAGM)
Awarded by
Who’s Who Legal (Patents) 2018, 2019
Lawyer Monthly Award (Patents) 2018
Cologne Business Plan Competition 2002

Dr. Volker Metzler
Partner | Patent Attorney (EP, DE)
Dipl.-Inform. (comp sc), PhD (nat sc)
German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Patent Litigator (UPC)
European Trademark Attorney
European Design Attorney
In the IP business since 2003
Volker obtained a Master’s Degree in Computing/ Informatics at Imperial College London and Aachen University of Technology (RWTH) where he graduated in 1998. Thereafter he worked as a university lecturer and researcher in the field of image processing and developed an award-winning pattern recognition technology based on which he founded a start-up company together with his research partner. In 2002 he gained a PhD degree for his work on structural image analysis from Medical University of Luebeck.
In 2003, Volker joined KSNH, KLUNKER IP’s predecessor firm, where he became a German Patent Attorney in 2006, a European Patent Attorney in 2007 and was appointed partner in 2008. In 2017 he co-founded KLUNKER IP where he currently is a managing partner. Besides his daily attorney work he is responsible for KLUNKER IP’s Computing & Information branch and for business development in China and South Korea.
Volker speaks idiomatic English and considerable Italian and French. Besides numerous private passions, he takes a particular interest in history, politics, philosophy, and literature.
Even though he grew up in the down-to-earth Rhineland and spent years under the influence of Hanseatic seriousness, he enjoys Munich’s hedonism while living with his two daughters in Schwabing, the city’s famous (former) Bohème borough.
After Volker was admitted to the Patent Bar in 2006 he has been mainly working on prosecution cases before the EPO, the GPTO and other jurisdictions. Since then his work profile has gradually shifted towards more post-grant and bilateral issues, such as oppositions, invalidation, and litigation.
Volker also consults clients in other legal areas such as employee’s inventions law, e.g. by setting up alternative compensation systems, computer law and design law. In recent years he has been particularly successful in defending clients against claims of NPEs in the area of computing and networks. On a more strategic level he helps clients with IP strategies and 4IR technologies such as artificial intelligence or blockchain. As an IP enthusiast he also has been a law blogger for years and is a speaker at international IP conventions.
His heart and soul topic, however, are software and computer-implemented inventions. In this regard he is frequently called upon for his expertise and has been identified by the community as “one of the industry’s leading lights”.
Volker’s broad technical expertise includes computer science, artificial intelligence, databases, blockchain, cryptography, data mining, operating systems, smart cards, software, signal/image processing, pattern recognition, medical engineering, imaging, security, and print media.