Co-operating Attorney (Chemistry)
Associate | Patent Attorney (EP, DE)
German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
European Trademark and Design Attorney
In the IP business since 2006
Specialized in
inorganic chemistry, fuel cells, batteries, material science, biomedicine, cosmetics, catalysis
Member of
German patent bar, epi

Co-operating Attorney (Chemistry)
Associate | Patent Attorney (EP, DE)
German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
European Trademark and Design Attorney
In the IP business since 2006
Our Cooperation Partner in the field of Chemistry studied the subject at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg and finished with a diploma in 2000. During her studies she focused on biochemistry and inorganic-physical chemistry and made studies for the electrochemical decomposition ofinitiating explosives and developed metal-organic complexes for binding nitrogen. She also worked at the institute of material science and helped developing of anode materials for the solid oxide fuel cell and the photovoltaic cell.
She started her professional career at a cosmetics company where for six years she developed new textures for color and care cosmetics and was responsible for the scale-up in the production as well as the quality, microbiological and application management.
Thereafter she entered the IP business and became a German patent attorney in 2009 and a European patent attorney and European trademark and design attorney in 2010.
Since our Cooperation Partner in the field of Chemistry was admitted as German and European patent attorney, she has been mainly working on prosecution, opposition and appeal cases before the EPO and the GPTO. She additionally advises companies in other legal areas, like regarding licensing strategies and employee’s inventions law. She further provides patent portfolio analysis and infringement opinions.
Her main technical expertise includes all areas of materials sciences (e.g.alloys, polymers, glass, ceramics, organic molecules, fiber products and fiber-reinforced plastics), biomedicine, fuel cell technology, battery technology, catalysts and catalysis as well as the broad technical field of cosmetics. She has an excellent technical understanding and also manages cases at the border between materials sciences and mechanics.