Axel Horns
Associate | Patent Attorney (EP, DE)
German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark and Design Attorney
In the IP business since 1995
Specialized in
Physics, telecommunication, software, electronics

Axel Horns
Associate | Patent Attorney (EP, DE)
German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark and Design Attorney
In the IP business since 1995
Axel obtained a Diploma degree in Physics (Dipl.-Phys.) at the University of Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany. Thereafter he worked as Assistant Researcher with the Institute for Cutting Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology (IFW) of the University of Hannover doing research on mathematical models (Petri nets etc) of shop floor management procedures in manufacturing industries.
After his traineeship in the fields of patent and trade mark law he worked for KLUNKER IP's predecessor firm KSNH. Since 2017 Axel works as self-employed Senior Associate for Klunker IP.
Axel is proficient in English.
Axel has acquired considerable skills and experiences in understanding complex ICT systems, related software and communication protocols including cryptography. Axel's general technical expertise covers electrical & mechanical engineering as well as optics.
Axel has also substantial experience in Trade Mark law. His special fields of interest include strategies of utilising Intellectual Property; counselling in matters
related to IP politics; patent, trade mark & computer software licencing; IP matters in conjunction with standards; IP matters in conjunction with Open Source software; patents on computer-implemented inventions.