Co-operating Attorney (Computing and Software)

Associate | Patent Attorney (EP, DE)
Dipl.-Inform. (comp sc), PhD (nat sc)

German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
European Trademark and Design Attorney

In the IP business since 2009

Specialized in
IT, AI/ML, IoT, 5G/6G, Telecommunication, Mobile Devices, Cloud Computing, Big Data, SW-intensive Systems, Computer Vision

Member of
German patent bar, epi

Co-operating Attorney (Computing and Software)

+49 89 2488 279 0

+49 89 2488 279 99


Social Media

Co-operating Attorney (Computing and Software)

Associate | Patent Attorney (EP, DE)
Dipl.-Inform. (comp sc), PhD (nat sc)

German Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
European Trademark and Design Attorney

In the IP business since 2009


Our Cooperating Partner in the field of Computing and Software obtained a Master’s degree from the University of Ulm in 1996. She worked as an International Fellow in the Computer Science Lab at SRI International, Menlo Park, USA, in the field of formal methods and dependable systems, where she developed efficient verification and certification techniques for real-time embedded systems, based on predicate abstraction, lazy refinement and theorem proving. In 2004 she gained a PhD degree for her work on verification of real-time systems.

After several years of working as a researcher and assistant professor in the field of hybrid system control, she entered the IP business and became a German patent attorney in 2012 and a European Patent Attorney and European Trademark and Design Attorney in 2014. In 2023 she was admitted as a Professional Representative before the newly established Unified Patent Court (UPC.)


Our Cooperating Partner looks back on 15 years of experience in patent drafting, prosecution and litigation, in particular in the field of computer and telecommunication systems, automotive, mechanical engineering, medical devices, both in private practice and in-house.

She has a proven track record in patentability of disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, extreme connectivity, IoT, cloud computing, big data, as well as business expertise that enables her to deliver value to clients for securing a strong business-focused patent portfolio.

Our Cooperating Partner is further an outstanding researcher with over 15 years of experience in the field of SW-intensive cyber-physical systems.